The Gift of Music

Dear Mom and Dad,

Please enjoy this song I wrote for you as gift on your 50th anniversary.

I don’t have regular access to a professional recording studio, but the timing was such that I was able to complete this song and teach it to my trio in time for our recording session this past August. May 12th will be featured on the new CD.

The first 4 notes of the melody  numerically spell out your anniversary year 1-9-6-2 using the chromatic scale starting on C. I wrote this song at the keyboard with the intention that eventually I would either rework it for guitar or have our drummer, himself an accomplished pianist, learn it. As we got closer to the session, we decided that I was going to be the one to play it. So on the recording that’s me on keys. Later in the song we overdubbed the band, with me on guitar, on to the track of me playing the chords on the keys.

Congratulations on 50 years together! Thank you for being loving and supportive parents.



p.s. click the arrow to listen!